American educator and author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey, noted that “[s]trength lies in differences, not similarities”. The theory of transdisciplinary knowledge and research confirms this. As does the success of inspirational graduate Yuri Behari-Leak, who this year graduated with a triple-major degree.

Throughout his academic career, Yuri has always had a broad range of interests. “I was the academic type, but enjoyed my time in arts and culture through acting, writing and directing,” he said.

When starting his studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT), the inspirational graduate had intended to obtain an MBChB, but his destiny wasn’t in the medical field. “I started studying a Bachelor of Social Sciences at UCT in 2018 and was actually supposed to pursue a medical degree, but fate steered me towards law and the humanities, and I haven’t looked back since,” he said.

“Once I decided I would be studying humanities, I immediately knew I wanted to major in psychology. I also noticed that the Faculty of Humanities allowed you to pursue majors from other faculties, so I added law to my degree. I completed these undergraduate degrees in 2020, but by then I’d decided to extend the completion of my undergraduate to 2021 as I’d added my third major in film and television studies.”

Read the full article here.

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